Patient Rights
At The University of Vermont Medical Center, we are committed to providing you with high-quality respectful care, to honor your legal rights, and to strive to meet reasonable expectations. This requires honest communication among you, your family and your health care team.
The UVM Medical Center is a teaching hospital with a mission of educating health care professionals. Students and residents from multiple disciplines will be an integral part of your health care team.
The UVM Medical Center invites feedback from our patients and families. You may wish to share a compliment or share a concern. You may wish to pass on to members of your health care team suggestions for improvement, concerns, as well as any feedback about what you particularly liked about your experience. The UVM Medical Center encourages patients to take an active role in their health care.
We encourage direct feedback to any staff at the time the concern arises. In addition, a specific review process is offered through our Office of Patient and Family Advocacy. This process includes appropriate investigation and resolution at point of service and/or referral to our Grievance Committee for review and written response.
The UVM Medical Center is committed to providing care to all members of its community without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, culture, place of birth, national origin, HIV status, religion, marital status, age, language, socioeconomic status, or physical or mental disability.
For more information, contact the Office of Patient and Family Advocacy at 802-847-3500.