Tobacco Cessation

Have a question?

Email us at quittobaccoclassatuvmhealth [dot] org (QuitTobaccoClass[at]uvmhealth[dot]org) or give us a call:


If you use any form of nicotine products, and are considering making a change, check out the resources below.

Free Workshops

  • Live, weekly group sessions
  • Visit
  • Group support, focusing on small sustainable changes, combined with nicotine replacement therapy for proven effectiveness.

"It's great to have a place to go where everyone shares a common goal. It might be the most important hour I spend all week for my long-term health."


1:1 Phone Coaching

Connect with a quit coach who will help you get ready to quit, provide support and help you stay tobacco free. Call now to get started.

Online Support

  • Support, advice, tips and online coaching groups and forums.
  • Visit for more information and to get started.

Financial Incentives

  • Available for new and expecting parents, LGBTQ+, young adults and many more!
  • 802Quits offers financial incentives find out if you qualify by visiting

Smoking Cessation Resources