In addition to the wellness committee, our leadership is committed to helping our residents succeed medically and personally. We have an open door policy for mentoring and guiding residents through the rigors of training. In addition, we have added resources from human resources and GME including confidential mental health services if needed.
Annual Program sponsored events include:
- Welcome Picnic -Takes place annual at the end of June, just prior to the start of the new academic year. This is a "hello/goodbye" affair where we welcome new interns and say good bye to graduating residents.
- December Holiday Party - Sponsored by the department of medicine with all residents and their families invited. Residents enjoy a "Yankee Swap" and refreshments. Coverage is arranged for residents on service so everyone can attend.
- Graduation Banquet - Takes place the first week in June. Residents and their guests enjoy a sit down dinner, followed by speeches, awards, and dancing to celebrate the accomplishments of the outgoing class. Coverage is arranged so all may attend.
Events organized by our Wellness Committee have included:
- BBQ and Minor League Baseball game
- Stand up paddle boarding on Lake Champlain
- Potluck Thanksgiving Dinner
- Corn Maze
- Apple cider pressing party
- Hikes and Ski trips
- Volunteering at American Cancer Society Hope Lodge in Burlington
- UVM Hockey Games