Message from the Director
The primary goal of our anesthesiology residency program is to support our mission aim statement. We have a strong educational curriculum structured around the requirements of the American Board of Anesthesiology. Our graduates have a strong track record of successfully attaining ABA certification and our graduates have consistently found outstanding employment opportunities in a wide range of geographic locations, including academic and private practice settings.
The strength of our anesthesiology residency program lies in the environment. Our faculty is friendly and enthusiastic with a commitment to providing excellent clinical care, teaching and opportunities for research. Our faculty's diverse special interests and backgrounds allow for a challenging and interesting exposure to multiple approaches to anesthesia care. Our department has a longstanding clinical and research interest in the use of regional anesthetic techniques. We are internationally recognized for work in pediatric regional anesthesia, particularly in infant spinal anesthesia.
Set between Lake Champlain and the Green Mountains, Vermont offers the best there is for the outdoor enthusiast. We hope you will consider our program so we can demonstrate the merits of a busy, midsized anesthesia residency program with a strong commitment to resident education.

Mission Statement
The Department of Anesthesiology at The University of Vermont Medical Center seeks to educate and train residents who are well rounded, professional, intelligent, empathetic, and flexible leaders. Graduates of our program will be ready to pursue opportunities in the diverse and ever changing practice of anesthesiology and perioperative medicine. We collaborate with our graduates to help them reach their personal and academic practice goals for fellowship opportunities, research careers, and private or academic practice. We prepare them to succeed as leaders within their work environments, whether in rural or urban locations. Our program is unique in that its small size allows us to have intimate knowledge of residents’ skills through first hand, frequent observations. The small class size allows early and frequent access for residents to all subspecialties. We are responsive to resident feedback and have created a supportive atmosphere with strong networking opportunities and a community feel.