Message from the Director

The University of Vermont Medical Center is Vermont's flagship academic medical center. As the only academic medical center in Vermont, the UVM Medical Center provides a training environment for approximately 330 medical residents across 17 different training programs, as well as 25 fellowship programs. Currently, with 620 beds, the UVM Medical Center includes a Level 1 Trauma Center, the UVM Children's Hospital, the UVM Cancer Center, and the only Neonatal ICU in Vermont.  

Our mission is to improve the health of the people in the communities we serve by integrating patient care, education and research in a caring environment to a population of more than a million throughout Vermont and northern New York. The UVM Medical Center is committed to being a national model for the delivery of high-quality academic health care for a rural region.  

The Pharmacy Department spans both inpatient and outpatient settings and provides comprehensive services for our patients and for the community. We are part of the UVM Medical Center team in all settings, integrated into each patient's health care by offering our expertise on everything medication related.   

At UVM Medical Center, we have been offering accredited residency training since 1981 and are dedicated to developing confidence and expertise in your clinical practice, critical thinking and leadership skills. Each program has a mix of required and elective rotations to give you flexibility in designing a schedule that matches your interests and career goals.

Life in Burlington, Vermont  

Nestled on the eastern shore of Lake Champlain and situated just west of the Green Mountains, Burlington offers numerous dining, cultural and entertainment options that many find surprising for a city of its size.

In the summer, activities enjoyed by our residents include hiking, kayaking, running, camping, biking and boating on Lake Champlain. In the winter, Vermonters have access to some of the best alpine skiing and snowboarding in the world. Cross-country skiing, backcountry skiing and riding, snowshoeing, ice climbing and snowmobiling are easily accessible as well. 

Burlington may be the largest city in the state, yet it remains quintessentially Vermont.  It’s a place that combines stunning natural beauty, cultural appeal with the charm and warmth of small-town America.  

Thank you for your interest in our residency programs and we wish you the best of luck with your search to find a program that aligns with your interests. 

Nune Zadikian, Pharm.D., BCCCP
Program Director, Pharmacy - PGY2 (Critical Care Medicine)

Pharmacy - PGY2 (Critical Care) Residency Program

Why Choose GME at the UVM Medical Center

Clinicians reading an MRI

About GME

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1 Min

Lake Champlain at sunset

Life in Vermont

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