Message from the Program Director
Welcome to UVM Family Medicine!
My goal for our residents is to allow you to graduate in 3 years with the opportunity to practice full spectrum Family Medicine, in whatever environment you choose. We work really hard to give you a strong foundation in inpatient and outpatient medicine, adult and pediatric medicine, sports medicine, as well as full spectrum reproductive care. Post-residency, you will be able to deliver a baby on a plane, train or automobile! And for those of you who choose, you will be well-qualified to independently practice low-risk obstetrics. Beyond those foundations, all of our residents have exposure and training in addiction medicine, gender affirming care, point of care ultrasound, and office-based procedures.
Approximately half of our graduates stay and practice in Vermont (both locally in Chittenden County, as well as in more rural areas of the state). The other half spread their wings, and practice around the globe. See where our recent graduates are practicing.
Taking care of families and seeing the difference small medical interventions can make in an entire family’s life, is one of the most rewarding and privileged things you will do as a physician. Training at the UVM Family Medicine Residency will allow you to do all this and more. I hope to meet you on the interview trail. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @uvmfamilymedres

University of Vermont Medical Center - Residency - Family Medicine
Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of Medicine - MD
Fairfield University - BS - Biology with a Molecular Concentration
Program Strengths & Goals
Our residency program strengths include:
- On-going curriculum development: gender-affirming care, addiction medicine (with direct MAT patient care at Family Medicine Milton), comprehensive reproductive health training, RHEDI program with opt-out termination training, sports medicine curriculum with specialized hands-on POCUS training
- Focus on population health and transition of care: residents involved in specialized chronic disease clinic, and transition of care clinic
The program is designed to develop the personal and professional skills you need as a family physician. Your clinical training is complemented by academic and research opportunities to give you the confidence and expertise you'll need for your continuing growth within family medicine.
Our program goals include:
- Train competent, compassionate, full-spectrum Family Medicine Physicians who can provide care in diverse practice settings, including OB and inpatient medicine
- Develop Family Physicians who are prepared for the future, as well as attuned to population health and quality of care.
- Emphasize humanism and patient-centered care in the development of longitudinal relationships – the “heart” of UVM Family Medicine