Our goal is to train fellows to be excellent clinicians with a strong foundation in the principles of electrophysiology and the mechanisms of arrhythmias. We aim to prepare fellows to be facile in the full range of interventional procedures and to understand the data that supports current clinical practices.
Our fellows will be prepared for careers in either academic cardiology or private practice. We emphasize the ability to deduce mechanisms and determine optimal treatment strategies rather than apply memorized criteria.

Message from the Director

UVM Medical Center/UVM offers a clinical fellowship in cardiac electrophysiology, which includes two years of training. Candidates are eligible after completion of an internal medicine residency and general cardiology fellowship training.

The training experience includes interventional, diagnostic and consultative electrophysiology. Fellows rotate through the electrophysiology laboratory, the clinical service and the outpatient clinic (including device follow-up clinic).

An electrophysiology lecture series is provided with didactic sessions throughout the year. In addition there is an electrophysiology journal club and electrogram conference. Fellows are expected develop a thorough understanding of cardiac anatomy, basic mechanisms of arrhythmias and antiarrhythmic medications as well as a strong understanding of the literature in the field of electrophysiology. Research opportunities are available in clinical and basic electrophysiology.

In the electrophysiology laboratory fellows learn to perform device implantation (single chamber, dual chamber and biventricular pacemakers, physiological pacing and defibrillators), electrophysiologic studies and ablation procedures. Our ablation program specializes in complex ablation. Fellows trained to map and ablate complex arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation, macroreentrant atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, ventricular tachycardia, accessory AV pathways, AV nodal reentry tachycardia and focal atrial tachycardias.

Fellows become proficient in electrogram interpretation and pacing techniques (including paraHisian pacing, determination of accessory pathway slants, mapping and confirmation of accessory pathway potentials and entrainment mapping). In addition fellows learn to perform transseptal punctures, intracardiac ultrasound, pulmonary venous angiography and coronary sinus angiography. Fellows learn to create and interpret 3-D electroanatomic maps.

Daniel D. Correa De Sa, MD
Daniel D. Correa de Sa, MD
Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellowship Program
Assistant Professor of Cardiac Electrophysiology

Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellowship Program

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