Have A Health-Related Question?
As a proud member of the Vermont community with a vested interest in its people, The University of Vermont Medical Center is committed to providing community health resources by extending the benefits of academic medicine to the people of our region.
The Frymoyer Community Health Resource Center is staffed with a full-time medical librarian and health educator to help you with all your health related questions.
Visit the Frymoyer Community Health Resource Center.
Our Dedication to Community Health Resources
We support our community with a variety of health resources, educational programs and outreach initiatives. These efforts include:
Knowledge sharing
Our leading medical professionals regularly offer free community education classes, hold information sessions for students and provide physicians in our surrounding rural communities the support they need to provide the best care possible.
Responsibility and responsiveness
We conduct regular community health needs assessments to determine local needs and assets. Additionally, we organize countless initiatives to promote healthy behavior, from smoking cessation programs to working with area businesses on employer health initiatives and developing community health resources.
Community collaboration
The UVM Medical Center partners with a number of community health resource groups, including United Way, the Visiting Nurse Association, the Howard Center and the Community Health Center to address the needs of Vermont and northern New York residents.
We would not be able to support the community so richly without the generous contributions of our volunteers, donors and community members. The contributions of these individuals are equally important in caring for patients as the direct patient care of our physicians, nurses and staff.
Public health management
Many of the community outreach activities are coordinated by The UVM Medical Center's Community Health Improvement Office. We partner with other non-profits, businesses, community leaders and government agencies to offer a multitude of programs and education opportunities serving a variety of populations and age groups in New England. In addition to serving local residents, we also support non-profit organizations focused on wellness.
Learn More About Community Health Resources
Explore this site for more information, including the community wellness programs offered near you. You can also call us anytime at 802-847-0000 or 800-358-1144 for more ways to get involved.
Learn about all of the UVM Medical Center's community health resources.