The University of Vermont Medical Center Psychiatry Department offers comprehensive, individualized care for patients with mental health conditions. We combine research-based psychotherapy with the right medications (psychopharmacology) to help you reach your goals and feel your best. Our experienced clinical team works with you to find the combination of therapy options that offer you optimal results.
Psychotherapy: The UVM Medical Center Approach
The UVM Medical Center offers expert, research-based mental health care, tailored specifically for your needs. We combine the most sophisticated pharmacological and therapy treatment options to offer you the highest level of care available. Features of our psychiatry programs include:
- Experienced clinicians. Everyone on our staff has years of experience caring for patients with mental health conditions. Many of our team members have been with us for more than a decade. We care for patients with a wide range of psychiatric needs, working with you to find the right treatment options that offer you the best results. Our staff includes two specialists in geriatric psychopharmacology for the elderly population.
- Evidence-based treatment. We conduct meticulous research and data collection. We evaluate patients both before and after their time with us. These evaluations give us the data to support the effectiveness of our programs, as well as to improve and advance our methods. We can confidently recommend the most effective treatment program for you.
- Collaboration. There is strong, continuous collaboration between our psychotherapy and psychopharmacology departments. We do not treat patients in a vacuum. Many times a week, our therapists and psychopharmacology experts sit down to discuss each of our patients and make recommendations for next steps. This results in seamless, personalized care for you.
- Convenient. At The UVM Medical Center, you receive care in a well-maintained, centrally located facility, with easy access to public transportation. In addition, our association with the University of Vermont means that you have access to all the latest treatments and research available at a teaching hospital.
Psychotherapy in Burlington, VT
At The UVM Medical Center, we know that mental health care is not one-size-fits-all. That's why we've developed a number of programs to meet our patients' needs in a comfortable, professional environment. Our programs are seamlessly integrated. We can easily transfer you to a different level of care, based on your progress and your doctor's recommendation. Our teams are in constant collaboration, ensuring that you receive the most comprehensive, effective services available.
Adult Psychopharmacology Clinic
Psychopharmacology provides expert guidance in diagnosing and managing a variety of mental health conditions. Your primary care physician or another doctor may refer you to our Adult Psychopharmacology Clinic. We see patients in this clinic every Tuesday. Services include:
- Psychopharmacology consultation, to discuss medication and medication management
- Follow-up with a resident physician in our program
Mood and Anxiety Disorders Clinic
Patients in our Mood and Anxiety Disorders Clinic receive prompt, appropriate and expert care in a warm environment. Our clinic provides a broad spectrum of mental health services for patients, so you can feel confident you or your loved one is receiving the right care at the right time. Our clinic integrates two important components of treatment:
- Psychopharmacology
- Cognitive behavioral therapy, both individual and group sessions
Patients often spend approximately three months in our clinic. After that, we may transfer them with our recommendations back to their primary care physician or help them find a therapist in the community.
Intensive Outpatient Psychiatry Program
Patients come to our Intensive Outpatient Psychiatry Program from Monday through Friday for intensive psychiatric care. In the program, patients receive a combination of psychopharmacology and cognitive behavioral therapy. We strongly believe in integrating medication and psychotherapy in order for our patients to receive the maximum benefit. Our clinicians have extensive experience tailoring our psychiatric services to meet each individual's needs.
Inpatient Psychiatric Care
Our Partial Hospital program offers intensive psychiatric services. Patients receive care at our hospital during the day and then return home in the evening.
Our Team
Our robust psychiatry team includes:
- Psychiatrists
- Psychologists
- Psychiatric social workers
- Psychiatric nurses
- Substance abuse counselors
- Expert and knowledgeable support staff
View Our Locations

Psychiatry - 1 South Prospect Street
1 South Prospect Street
Arnold, Level 6
Burlington, VT 05401-5505

Psychiatry - Main Campus
111 Colchester Avenue
Main Campus, Patrick, Level 4
Burlington, VT 05401-1473