Top 3 Tips to Avoid the Flu

Health care workers are on the front lines during flu season. But we don’t follow any secret formula to avoid getting sick. In fact, our approach can be adopted by anyone looking to stay healthy or slow the spread of the influenza virus.
Take Flu Seriously
People don’t take flu seriously enough, and it shouldn’t be equated with the common cold. Influenza can cause severe or even deadly complications, especially among children and older people.
The flu’s annual toll varies widely and is difficult to predict. Each year since 2010, influenza has caused between 9.3 million and 49 million illnesses nationwide; between 140,000 and 960,000 hospitalizations; and between 12,000 and 79,000 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Get Your Flu Shot
According to the CDC, September and October are the best months to get your flu shot to provide you the strongest protection during peak flu season. You can receive your flu shot at the same time as other immunizations, such as the COVID-19 vaccine or booster.
Stop the Spread
If you’re sick, stay home.
Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth.
Practice respiratory etiquette by covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. If no tissue is available, cough or sneeze into your elbow rather than into your hands.
Hands are the most common conduit for germs. Clean your hands frequently, either with soap and water or use of an alcohol-based sanitizer.
Wipe down frequently touched objects. Clean hand railings, doors, cabinets, toilets, etc.