Goals: The goal of the research year is to develop, implement and complete a scientific research project so that the Fellow can learn the basics of hypothesis development, design, protocol development and statistical analysis. The project can be clinically or basic science oriented. The current (and future) research efforts that the fellow can participate in include:
- HIV epidemiology
- Blood culture utilization
- Enteric pathogen vaccine development
- Risk factors for orthopedic surgery infections
- Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea
- Staphylococcal enterocolitis
- Nosocomial infections
- Anal HPV infections
Basic science:
- Cryptosporidiosis mucosal immunology
- HIV pathogenesis and ribozyme
- Use of transgenic systems to develop novel anti-cryptosporidium drugs
- Pathogenesis of amebic infections
- Lyme borreliosis pathogenesis
- Babesia drug development
- Vaccine development
The Fellow will be introduced to:
- Hypothesis development and research design
- Introduction to statistics
- Regulations
- Data collection and management
- Data analysis
Teaching environment:
- One-on one mentoring with ID attendings or basic science researcher
- Research conference
- Research seminars
Patient characteristics and types of clinical encounters, procedures and services: Depending on research developed
Reading list:
- Designing Clinical research by Hulley SB & Cummings SR. 1988
- Biostatistics; The Bare Essentials by Norman GR & Streiner DL
Evaluation: Feedback on day to day progress on the project. Written evaluation by the research mentor. The Fellow will also provide written evaluations of the rotation to the fellowship director
- Curriculum - Infectious Disease Fellowship
- Clinical Microbiology/Immunology
- Outpatient Rotation
- Hospital Epidemiology Course
- Inpatient Rotation
- Conferences
- Lectures
- Research Year
- Elective Months
- Clinical Pharmacology