Blood Disorders Treatment

Hematology and Oncology - UVMMC Main Campus
111 Colchester Avenue
Main Campus, Main Pavilion, Level 2
Burlington, VT 05401-1473
It is important that we diagnose the underlying condition causing the blood disorder. Our doctors work carefully to obtain a precise diagnosis, so we can tailor your treatment plan effectively. We will discuss all of your treatment options with you and answer any questions you may have.
Blood Disorders Treatment in Burlington, VT
The University of Vermont Medical Center provides a wide range of treatments for blood disorders. Treatment options include:
- Factor replacement therapy
- Medication
- Platelet transfusion
Factor Replacement Therapy for Blood Disorders
Absent or improperly functioning clotting factors may be causing the blood disorder. The goal of factor replacement therapy is to inject clotting factors into your veins, replacing the factors that are not working. This treatment helps your blood clot normally and prevents damage to your internal organs.
Types of blood clotting factor replacement include:
- Fresh frozen plasma - We take the liquid part of blood (plasma) from a donor and freeze it.
- Cryoprecipitate - This is a concentrated blood product that has many clotting properties.
- Factor concentrates - Unlike frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate, factor concentrates do not need to be kept in the hospital. You can carry them around with you and give it to yourself on a regular basis.
Medication for Blood Disorders
We may prescribe medication for patients with von Willebrand disease, a condition occurs when the blood lacks von Willebrand factor, a specific clotting protein. Sometimes, patients with von Willebrand do not require any treatment at all, except to avoid medications that may aggravate bleeding (such as aspirin). In more severe cases, we can prescribe a medication that increases the level of von Willebrand factor.
Platelet Transfusion for Blood Disorders
If a problem with your platelets is causing the blood disorder, we may recommend a platelet transfusion. We collect platelets from a donor, or sometimes many donors, and deliver them to you using an intravenous (IV) line.