Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Resources

If you or a family member are recovering from a spinal cord injury (SCI), please browse the resources below researched by the Inpatient Rehabilitation team at the University of Vermont Medical Center. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please feel free to give us a call at 802-847-5353.

Spinal Cord Injury General Resources

  • UVM Medical Center SCI Manual – the UVM Medical Center has created a Spinal Cord Injury Binder, which all our patients receive in a 3-ring binder.
  • Facing Disability Facebook Group – A private Facebook group for people with spinal cord injuries and their families.
  • Paralyzed Veterans of America – The Paralyzed Veterans of America has produced free downloadable books and cover access to federal health programs, working with managed care, and many details of living with a spinal cord injury in their book “Yes You Can.”
    • Consumer Guides – This resource from the Paralyzed Veterans of America has 15 publications that can be downloaded for free, that cover expected recovery by spinal cord injury level as well as particular topics of interest to people with spinal cord injury. 

Understanding Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

Taking Care of Yourself

Skin Care

Respiratory Health

Bladder Care

Bowel Care


  • Sexuality and Disability – This site is dedicated to women with disabilities with a focus on body awareness, sexuality, relationships and childbearing.
  • Sex After Spinal Cord Injury – This video explores many aspects of sexuality after SCI.
  • Dr. Mitchell Tepper – Dr. Tepper is a certified sexuality therapist living with SCI and addresses many concerns about sexuality for a variety of abilities and conditions on his website.

Mental Health and Spinal Cord Injury

  • Depression and Spinal Cord Injury – This tip sheet covers most aspects of adjustment after SCI. It may be helpful to discuss your individual needs with your treatment team to learn what resources are available at the UVM Medical Center and in your community.

Pain Management


Moving Around

Mobility and Transfers

Wheelchair Skills            

Locally we have several organizations that provide access to sports via instruction, equipment loan/rental, and access to scholarships and grants to help people to participate. 

  • VermontAdaptive.org includes alpine skiing, snowboarding and other winter sports; kayaking, canoeing, stand-up paddle boarding, sailing, cycling, hiking, rock climbing, tennis, horseback riding, and environmental programs for all abilities. 
  • DisabledAthletics.org promotes and provides opportunities for people with physical disabilities to pursue a variety of recreational sports and competitive athletics.
  • KellyBrushFoundation.org empowers those with paralysis to lead engaged and fulfilling lives through sport and recreation.
  • Accesstr.com provides adaptive recreation equipment (only) for those with physical disabilities.

Wheelchair Maintenance
Learn how best to maintain your wheelchair, along with some advice about when to call your vendor.

Home Modifications

Community Access and Travel