Continence Center

Outpatient Rehabilitation Therapy

 (802) 847-6943

790 College Parkway
Colchester, VT 05446-3007

Monday: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Did You Know the Following About Fall Injuries?

  • Falls are the leading cause of injury among older adults.
  • One out of every three adults over the age of 65 falls each year.
  • More than 95% of hip fractures among adults over age 65 are caused by falls.
  • Research shows that treatment based on a comprehensive fall risk assessment is the best way to reduce risks of falling.
  • If you're concerned about falling, call us to set up an appointment. Fall risk assessments are covered by Medicare and most insurance carriers.

For more information, view and print our brochure about preventing falls.

What is the Fall Prevention Clinic?

The Fall Prevention Clinic is a service provided by UVM Medical Center's Elder Care Services, Rehabilitation Therapies, and Community Health Improvement. It is an outpatient clinic that provides a comprehensive fall risk assessment and treatment for patients who have fallen or who are at risk for falling.

How will the clinic help me?

We should be able to help you to avoid falls in the future. Falls are not a normal part of aging. Falls can get more serious over time, but the risks can be reduced by working on all the possible causes.

What signs should I look for to see if I'm at risk for falling?

  • If you cannot get out of a chair without using your hands for support
  • If you cannot balance on one leg for at least 5 seconds without holding on to something
  • If you have fallen before
  • If you are afraid of falling
  • If you have vision impairment
  • If you have problems with balance
  • If you have dizziness or vertigo
  • If you experience lightheadedness when standing up

What happens at the clinic?

You will have an initial assessment with licensed professionals including a physical therapist, an occupational therapist and a nurse. They will ask about any previous falls and assess possible causes. The assessment involves:

  • A complete medical history
  • A physical exam
  • Assessment of gait, balance, range of motion and strength
  • Assessment of sensation, vision and cognitive ability
  • Assessment of medication use
  • Evaluation of dizziness or vertigo (if present)
  • Conversation about the home environment and offer of a home safety assessment to take place at a later date

How long does the assessment take?

Plan on 3 hours for the total assessment.

What should I bring to the assessment?

  • A list of your current medications or most recent prescription printout
  • The shoes you wear most often at home and in the community
  • Any devices you usually use for walking such as a cane or walker
  • A snack (optional) - a cafeteria and vending machines are available on site

What will happen after my assessment ?

If needs are identified, a treatment plan will be developed with you and your family.

Who will review my assessment?

We will send a copy to your primary care physician, and any other doctor that you would like to have a copy.

How can I get an appointment?

You can call for an appointment directly or ask your physician to refer you to us. Call us at 802-847-1902.

Will the visit be covered by insurance?

Fall risk assessments are covered by Medicare and most other insurance carriers. We can help you to identify insurance coverage before your appointment. Please ask us about any concerns at the time you make your appointment.

Where is the clinic located?

The clinic is located at the Rehabilitation Outpatient Center on the ground floor of the Fanny Allen Campus of UVM Medical Center. You will need to arrange your own transportation. If this is a problem for you, please call us and we will help you find a way to get to us.

Purchase Home Safety Devices

Safety Devices

Visit the Frymoyer Community Health Resource Center's kiosk for a variety of home safety devices.

  • Medical Center Campus, Main Lobby, Level 3, next to the information desk. 

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More Information

Sarah Benis, OT
Occupational Therapy
Rose Bernier, PT
Physical Therapy
	  	  Chelsea R. Cary, PT
Chelsea R. Cary, PT
Physical Therapy
Keta O. Clark, PT
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Jean M. Sturm, PT
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Kevin G. Cummings, PT
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	  	  Gretchen M. Daly, OT
Gretchen M. Daly, OT
Occupational Therapy
	  	  Kathryne H. Decatur, OT
Kathryne H. Decatur, OT
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	  	  Sara  DeGaetano, OT
Sara DeGaetano, OT
Occupational Therapy
Caitlin E. Dorka, PT
Physical Therapy
Jennifer M. Elsinger, OT
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Reuben Escorpizo, PT
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Deirdre M. Folsom, PT
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	  	  Marissa L. Francis, OT
Marissa L. Francis, OT
Occupational Therapy
	  	  Amanda B. Goldstein, PT
Amanda B. Goldstein, PT
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	  	  Lisa  Goodwin, PT
Lisa Goodwin, PT
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	  	  Erin P. Graham, PT
Erin P. Graham, PT
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Brooke Guilmette, PT
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Sharon Hallman, PT
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Patrick R. Hamel, PT
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Nicola Hawko, OT
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	  	  Caitlin M. Hazelton, PT
Caitlin M. Hazelton, PT
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	  	  Kelly A. Hollingworth, OT
Kelly A. Hollingworth, OT
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Kristie A. Kapusta, OT
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Wendy D. King, PT
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	  	  Suzanne  Lawrence, PT
Suzanne Lawrence, PT
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Jennifer A. Levy, PT
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Rebecca E. Louko, PT
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	  	  Caitlin  Schmitt, OT
Caitlin Schmitt, OT
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	  	  Jennifer  McAtee, OT
Jennifer McAtee, OT
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Jill McDougall, PT
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	  	  Michelle  Miles, PT
Michelle Miles, PT
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Amy C. Miller, PT
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Ann G. Naumann, PT
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	  	  Kristine F. O'Malley, OT
Kristine F. O'Malley, OT
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Gwyneth Owen, OT
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Jennifer L. Palmer, OT
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Elaine B. Perry, PT
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	  	  Stephanie  Pierce, OT
Stephanie Pierce, OT
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	  	  Ellen M. Pilon, PT
Ellen M. Pilon, PT
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	  	  Hillary  Renz, PT
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