The Child and Adolescent Training Program operates in collaboration with the General Psychiatry Program. Under regular circumstances, the General Psychiatry program trains 5 residents per year, 2 of whom are in the Integrated General/Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Program which entails beginning full-time child and adolescent training in the PGY4 and PGY5 year. For the PGY1 through the PGY3 year, residents follow the general psychiatry curriculum and rotation schedule.
Departures for Integrated Program residents during the PGY1 through PGY3 year include the following:
- The provision to do some inpatient and/or outpatient pediatrics instead of internal medicine during the PGY1 year.
- Meeting with child research faculty to begin planning and implementing research project. Additional protected time is available for residents who qualify and are accepted into the research track of the Integrated General/Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Program. See the research training section for details.
- Following child and adolescent patients picked up in the PGY3 year into the PGY4 and PGY5 year if clinically indicated.
The General Psychiatry Residency includes a significant amount of child and adolescent education in its own right that can further the overall level of training and expertise by graduation. These experiences include the following:
- A one-month elective in inpatient child psychiatry that can be taken at a nearby hospital.
- A strong introduction in the PGY3 year to outpatient child psychiatry. This rotation involves spending one day per week for the entire PGY3 year in the Pediatric Psychiatry Clinic (PPC). This rotation also involves a weekly seminar. The PPC rotation has many similarities with the Outpatient Child Psychiatry experience in the fellowship.