Several multidisciplinary projects deserve special attention:
- Head and Neck Oncology - in conjunction with the Departments of Radiation and Medical Oncology, patients with malignant head and neck tumors are presented in a multidisciplinary conference and managed as a team.
- Head and Neck Reconstruction - in addition to ablative surgery, our residents will assist in all aspects of reconstruction of the head and neck patients.
- Endocrine Surgery (thyroid and parathyroid surgery) - in conjunction with the Division of Endocrinology/Department of Medicine, patients with thyroid malignancy are jointly managed to include provisions for adjunctive radioactive iodine and special follow-up considerations such as Thyrogen stimulation. Focused parathyroid surgery utilizing intraoperative parathyroid hormone assay is a unique management option. Ultrasound is used on a regular basis so the residents will have significant experience with this valuable form of imaging. A high volume practice enables the residents to have experience with all aspects of endocrine surgery. Minimally invasive techniques are practiced, when appropriate.
- Facial Plastic Surgery -a full range of facial plastic techniques are covered during training. This includes functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty, other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures and treatment of cutaneous malignancies.
- Pediatric Otolaryngology Surgery - a very active pediatric otolaryngology service allows the residents extensive exposure to the management of pediatric hearing loss, otitis media, tonsillitis, congenital neck masses, pediatric airway surgery, and cochlear implantation. Residents have the opportunity to participate in several multidisciplinary clinics including aerodigestive and craniofacial team clinics.
- Endoscopic Laser Surgery - expertise in laser surgery is obtained by working with many of our faculty members.
- Endoscopic Skullbase and Pituitary Surgery - a growing practice using minimally invasive techniques to access the skull base is to be developed in conjunction with our Neurosurgery colleagues.
- Rhinology and Endoscopic Sinus Surgery - comprehensive management of both the medical and surgical aspects of sinusitis is achieved with high volume practice. The latest minimally invasive operative techniques are used. An active allergy and immunotherapy clinic offers an excellent educational environment for the management of patients.
- Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery - an active trauma service is managed with the Plastic Surgery and Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Divisions.
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea - patients with these problems are considered jointly with the Department of Sleep Medicine. Patients unable to be managed with positive pressure ventilation (CPAP) are referred for management with a variety of surgical techniques to include nasal septoplasty, UPPP, Inspire hypoglossal nerve stimulator implantation and tongue advancement techniques.
- Laryngology and Voice Program - a dedicated fellowship-trained laryngologist, speech and language pathologists, and consultants from the vocal arts provide a unique collaborative project for the management of dysphonia. In addition, Botox injection into the vocalis muscle is performed in conjunction with EMG monitoring with a staff neurologist.
- Otology and Neurotology - disorders of the skull base such as pituitary tumors, posterior fossa neoplasms, temporal bone lesions, and tumors of the anterior skull base are treated surgically through joint collaboration with the Division of Neurosurgery. A comprehensive Cochlear Implant Program in the management of profound sensorineural hearing loss utilizes the resources of surgical technology, audiology, deaf educators, and social services providers.
- Research - residents design and implement a research project under the supervision of faculty mentors.