The University of Vermont Medical Center in partnership with the University of Vermont, participates in active clinical research trials in various specialty areas. This allows us to offer our patients immediate access to treatments not available anywhere else. Our discoveries not only improve care for our patients at the UVM Medical Center, but across the country and around the world.
Ask your doctor to find out if you qualify or email Emily Houston, Clinical Research Coordinator at PDResearchmed [dot] uvm [dot] edu (PDResearch[at]med[dot]uvm[dot]edu).
Why Participate in Clinical Research?
Clinical trials are studies that assess the safety and effectiveness of new ways to diagnose, prevent, or treat movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease. Treatments may be directed toward slowing/reversing the disease process or improving current symptoms. Patient participation is critical to the development of new and better therapies.
Binter Center Funded Research
The Binter Center awarded the first annual $25,000 research grant to Jesse Jacobs, PhD in UVM's Department of Rehabilitation and Movement Science. The project is entitled "Dynamic Limb Selection During Step Initiation With Parkinson's Disease" and explores the possible effects of environmental factors on gait impairment in Parkinson's disease.
Additionally, the first proposal request was distributed in 2014 for the Binter Center summer student fellowship. Three excellent applications were received, so with assistance from the Department of Neurological Sciences, we were able to fund all three projects. The projects and investigators are:
- Benjamin Blumberg, UVM Undergraduate, Neuroscience major "Differential Neuroprotection of PACAP Receptor Subtype Signaling"
- Samuel Raszka, UVM Undergraduate, Biology major: "Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and neuronal cell death in the substantia nigra of lynx1 knockout mice"
- Suzanne Calhoun, Middlebury Undergraduate, Mathematical Sciences major "Understanding Effects of Parkinson's Disease on Voice"
Qualifying for a Clinical Study
Ask your doctor if there are any available research studies for your condition. Every clinical trial has specific safety criteria that define which patients can participate in the trial.
For more information about clinical trials for movement disorders please contact:
Emily Houston
Clinical Research Coordinator
UVM Medical Center
PDResearchmed [dot] uvm [dot] edu (PDResearch[at]med[dot]uvm[dot]edu)
Office of Clinical Trials Research
University of Vermont College of Medicine
UHC Campus of The UVM Medical Center
Arnold Building, Level 3, Room 3437
1 South Prospect Street, Burlington, VT 05401
clinicaltrialsuvm [dot] edu (clinicaltrials[at]uvm[dot]edu)