The University of Vermont Medical Center believe that robust research activities not only advance knowledge needed to reduce the toll from heart disease, but also enhance the quality of clinical care by facilitating critical thinking. We welcome you to learn about the active research programs our cardiologists and other heart specialists are engaging in to improve the care of patients here, across the country and world.
Cardiovascular Research Institute
Dedicated to reducing the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of heart and vascular diseases through improving prevention, diagnosis and treatment. (Note that this link takes you off The UVM Medical Center web site.)
Research Initiatives
Learn about some of the ways physicians and scientists at The University of Vermont College of Medicine are working to improve the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions.
Clinical Trials at The University of Vermont
Clinical trials are research studies involving patients who volunteer to participate in the investigation of new therapies and medications. Clinical trials can offer patients immediate access to treatments not available anywhere else.
If you would like to find out more about other open trials, please contact us or visit the Office of Clinical Trials Research or visit and search on "Vermont" to see an up to date list.
Office of Clinical Trials Research
UHC Campus
1 South Prospect Street
Arnold Building, Level 3, Room 3437
Burlington, VT 05401
clinicaltrialsuvm [dot] edu (clinicaltrials[at]uvm[dot]edu)