Program Overview

Purpose Statement

PGY2 residency program builds on Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) education and PGY1 pharmacy residency programs to develop pharmacist practitioners with knowledge, skills, and abilities in the specialized area of Critical Care. Residents who successfully complete an accredited PGY2 pharmacy residency are prepared for advanced patient care, academic, or other specialized positions, along with board certification. 

Critical Care Hospital Information

The UVM Medical Center has an annual census of ~65,000 visits and serves as the state's only designated Level I Trauma Center, Primary Stroke Center, provides 24-hour cardiac catheterization services and is associated with the Vermont Children's Hospital. The specialized residency in critical care is a 12-month program focusing on expanding pharmacotherapy knowledge and application to the critically ill patient population. The residency will be individualized to meet specific goals of each resident.

Clinical Rotations

Available Rotations* (Length varies) 

  • Orientation (~ 3 weeks, month of July)*
  • Surgical ICU-1 (2 months)* 
  • Medical ICU-1 (2 months)*
  • Surgical ICU-2 (1 month)*
  • Medical ICU-2 (1 month)*
  • Infectious disease (1 month)*
  • Emergency Medicine (1 month)*
  • Clinical administration (1 month)* 
  • Pharmacy Administration (1 month)*
  • Cardiology (1 month)

*Required rotations

Required Longitudinal Experiences 

  • Medication Safety (~50 weeks)
  • Case Conference/Journal Club (3 CC and 3 JC)
  • Grand Rounds (1 hour CE program per year) 
  • Medical Emergency Response (~ 50 weeks)
  • Independent Clinical Pharmacy Practice/ Critical Care Weekend Staffing (every third weekend including one major Holiday)
  • Research project and a medication use evaluation (~ 50 weeks)
  • Professional Development 
  • Completion of core therapeutic area topics, disease states, and topics 
  • ACLS/PALS Certification 
  • ASHP Midyear Meeting 
  • Teaching and preceptorship opportunities