In keeping with guidelines proposed by the Association of Pathology Chairs, the training program is divided into two parts:
- Core curriculum
- Anatomic Pathology (27 blocks)
- Clinical Pathology (20 blocks)
- Elective time (5 blocks)
The rotations are divided into 4-week blocks and anatomic and clinical pathology rotations are intermingled during the 4 years of training. Research blocks are optional and available during elective blocks.
Anatomic Pathology Rotation
The anatomic pathology core curriculum includes 27 rotations in:
- Autopsy: Hospital (4 blocks)
- Autopsy: Forensic (0.5 blocks)
- Bridge (1 block)
- Frozen/Pediatric Autopsy (1 block)
- Core Surgical Pathology (10 blocks)
- Hot Seat/Jr Attending (3 blocks)
- Cytology (4 block)
- Dermatopathology (2 block)
- Medical Renal (0.5 block)
- Integrated Molecular Path: AP/Heme (1 block)
Clinical Pathology Rotation
The clinical pathology core curriculum consists of 20 rotations in:
- Chemistry (4 blocks)
- Hematopathology (6 blocks)
- Informatics/Cytogenetics (1 block)
- Microbiology (4 blocks)
- Blood Bank/Coag (4 blocks)
- Molecular Pathology (1 block)
Laboratory Management Course
A laboratory management course is given over 2 years with 2 components:
- Series of didactics led by subject matter experts.
- Faculty/attending mentored Assistant Medical Director experience in an area of interest (completed during the 3rd year of residency).
Residents also get training and experience in conducting laboratory inspections for accreditation. In addition, there is a required pathology informatics rotation (1 block) for 2nd year residents.
To provide a sense of the volume of material available for teaching purposes, our laboratories process over 1,600,000 specimens annually. Furthermore, we perform approximately 700 medical and forensic autopsies, process over 49,000 surgical specimens, evaluate over 26,000 cytology smears, and receive over 575 bone marrow aspirates and biopsies each year.
Special procedures such as flow cytometry, electron microscopy, DNA analysis, cytogenetics, immunofluorescence microscopy, and immunohistochemistry are performed routinely when clinically indicated. This volume is well-matched to the size of our training program, balancing the house officer's need for exposure to a wide variety of clinical problems and the need to provide sufficient time to study these problems in depth.
Our laboratories are equipped with the most modern diagnostic tools, including a rapidly expanding molecular diagnostics facility. House officers use these resources literally on a daily basis during their core training. Furthermore, ample elective time is available for trainees to specialize in a selected laboratory area, acquire additional training of a more generalized nature, or participate in research. Fellowship opportunities in cytopathology, hematopathology, dermatopathology and surgical pathology are also available.
Curriculum Overview
In short, we offer a comprehensive, integrated training program designed to prepare residents and fellows for productive careers in academic pathology or private practice. The program is well-organized, placing a high priority on resident-attending interaction and clinical problem-solving. In keeping with the concept of the pathologist as a clinical consultant, we offer a variety of teaching conferences for students, house officers, and clinical colleagues.
Residents are expected to assume increasing responsibility with experience and to participate actively in our teaching programs. When their training is complete, our residents are well-prepared to take advantage of the many opportunities available in pathology today and those which will become available in the future.
It is impossible in this brief description to describe all of the programmatic details that may be important for you in the decision-making process. It is also difficult to convey the enthusiasm of our faculty for teaching and the enthusiasm of our residents for learning. We hope that you will visit us to learn more about Vermont. For additional information about the program, we welcome your inquiries. Please take a moment to call or write for information.