All journalists, videographers, and still photographers must be accompanied by a media relations staff member while at The University of Vermont Medical Center's facilities, and may be asked to present credentials.
Visiting The UVM Medical Center Facilities
To protect patient confidentiality and minimize disruption to patient care, journalists must provide ample notice to media relations staff of visits to any of our facilities.
To arrange a visit please call ahead. During regular business please leave a message at 802-847-2886, as some staff work remotely. Someone will return your call. Outside of regular business hours, please call 802-847-0000 and ask to have the media relations staff paged.
You may also use e-mail to contact the media relations team:
- Annie Mackin, Chief Network Media Relations Office - annie [dot] mackinuvmhealth [dot] org (annie[dot]mackin[at]uvmhealth[dot]org)
- Phil Rau, Communications and Media Specialist - praualicehyde [dot] com (prau[at]alicehyde[dot]com)
Patient Images
No images of patients that reveal identity should be gathered without securing consent through media relations staff.
Interview Requests
All requests to interview The UVM Medical Center staff or patients should be directed to the media relations office by calling 802-847-2886.