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Neurologist Steele Taylor, MD, tells his patients to stop worrying about the possibility of developing dementia and instead take action on factors they can control, such as sleep and diet.
UVM Medical Center nutrition experts Stephanie Gall, DCN, RD, CD and Leah Pryor give stress-fighting snacks and recipes to fuel you with helpful antioxidants, protein and anti-inflammatories.
We all know that what we eat and drink affects our health, but sometimes the volume of advice can be paralyzing. Relax: Our experts share three small changes that have a big impact.
Long before COVID, employees and dedicated garden volunteers at the University of Vermont Medical Center’s Fanny Allen campus have been raising money for the Colchester Food Shelf by selling flower bouquets and arrangements from the cutting garden.
Did you know that genetics play only a small role in determining our longevity? That means you have the power to flip the script on how you age. Learn how you can make changes to maximize your health well into the future.
Canning is a wonderful way to preserve your garden labors for cozy winter meals, but it’s critical to take steps to prevent a dangerous byproduct of improperly canned foods: botulism.
We are just reaching the peak of flu season, and with the addition of COVID-19, finding ways to boost your immune system has never been more important. Learn some tips and tricks on how to remain at my healthiest during this time.