Learn how to keep your child as safe as possible in a car seat—in the next 3 minutes.
Infant and child car seats save lives. By law, children must be buckled up in a car seat that is made for their weight, height, and age. Go to to check your state's laws. A child who is not in a car seat can be seriously injured or killed during a crash or an abrupt...
Offers tips to prevent illness and accidental injuries in babies and young children. Covers SIDS. Discusses common safety hazards. Also discusses healthy habits such as safe food preparation, using car seats, and immunizations. Covers safe baby products.
Jack remembers it well—and not in a good way. "I'll never forget the first time I had back pain. I couldn't move. I had to crawl to the car and push and pull myself into the seat. The drive to the doctor's was hard. The pain was unreal." When Jack got to his doctor's office, he had questions. "What can you do? Will I...
After your infant is discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), you may need to take special precautions for car travel. In most cases the safest way for a healthy premature infant to travel is in a car seat. But some premature infants cannot sit in a car seat without slouching over, which interferes with...