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Threading the ‘Traveler’ Needle

“Someone called me a purple unicorn this week,” Kelly Evans, MSN, RN, says with a laugh. Evans, director of central resource management at The University of Vermont Health Network , earned this comparison to a mythical and miraculous creature because she and her team are beginning to do what once

COVID-19 Workforce Innovation Nursing

Expanding Transgender Health Care Access for Adolescent Youth

The need for specialty medical care is on the rise at hospitals across the country, and at The University of Vermont Children’s Hospital referrals to the Transgender Youth Program continue to increase. Since opening in 2016, the Transgender Youth Program, part of the Division of Adolescent Medicine

Children's Health Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Transgender Health Teenagers Anxiety Depression Suicide Prevention Public Policy

Radiology at the Speed of a Click

When a patient needs to be transported from one hospital at The University of Vermont Health Network to another, their imaging records no longer have to make the same trip. Thanks to the health system’s new unified, integrated Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), an MRI or CT scan

Chronic Conditions Heart Health Digestive Health Cancer Innovation Radiology & Imaging

Patient With Swallowing Disorder Gets New Lease on Life

Swallowing food – something many of us don’t ever think of – is constantly on the mind of Jay Anderson. The 43-year-old from Plattsburgh has had to worry about it ever since he began treatment for cancer on his tonsil, tongue and throat about a year ago. Now, thanks to a new device that’s the only

Cancer Patient Stories Innovation

eConsults Offer New Pathways to Specialty Care

As a family medicine physician of more than 25 years, Katherine Mariani, MD, knows that peace of mind is a powerful thing when it comes to your health. “It’s hard to go about your day-to-day and enjoy life when you’re worried about your health – that stress and anxiety can really weigh on a person,”

Chronic Conditions Mental Health Innovation Patient Stories Neurological Disorders Depression Diabetes

Varicose Veins: Are They Harmful?

More than one third of Americans suffer from varicose veins. Similar to spider veins (which are smaller and right on the surface of the skin), varicose veins no longer perform their original function, which is to return blood to the heart. Instead, blood pools in them. For some people, they’re just

Chronic Conditions Varicose Veins

Snack Attack? Think Outside the Box

For some parents, back-to-school can mean back-to-dreaded-snack-duty – when you’re called upon to bring snacks to the classroom, the after-school program, the potluck or the sports team. It doesn’t take long for kids (or adults!) to tire of the same old options and the nutritional value of store

Food and Nutrition Recipes Diet Parenting Back to School

Back to Sleep

For parents and kids alike, the transition to earlier bedtimes and wake-up times can be one of the hardest parts of going back to school. That’s totally normal, according to Sigfus Gunnlaugsson, MD, a pediatric pulmonologist and sleep medicine physician at The University of Vermont Medical Center .

Children's Health Sleep Disorders Back to School Parenting Teenagers

Is Your Kid Being Bullied?

According to the 2021 Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey , a staggering 41% of Vermont middle school students say they’ve been bullied at school. Kids who are neurodiverse, gender-diverse or autistic are especially at risk, says Jeremiah Dickerson, MD, a child psychiatrist and the program director

Children's Health Parenting Teenagers Back to School Child Safety Suicide Prevention Transgender Health

How to Fight Cancer Before It Begins

It’s not exactly a crystal ball, but research happening at The University of Vermont Cancer Center offers patients and their loved ones a possible peek into the future. “We’re really trying to move the needle on how we care for patients, whether it’s improving access to genetic testing or providing

Cancer Innovation Breast Cancer Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Prostate Cancer: What You Need to Know Now

This year alone, 288,000 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer , making it our second most common type of cancer. Fortunately, due to the increasing number of treatment options, the five-year survival rate cancer is now higher than 97%. Shahid Ahmed, MD, MBBS, a medical

Cancer Recipes

Who Gets Screened for Lung Cancer? More Patients Now.

When Beth Zigmund, MD, stepped into her current role as Director of Lung Cancer Screening at The University of Vermont Medical Center , she already knew what one of her top priorities would be: Enhancing the hospital’s efforts to identify and treat cases of lung cancer as early and effectively as

Cancer Lung Cancer Innovation

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Team Shares Knowledge Across Vermont

David Nelson, MD, and Registered Nurse Kate Soons, MSN, RN, CCRN, share a common desire – making sure children receive the best possible care in the field and the safest transport possible to a hospital when necessary. When they’re together and discussing the work they do, a raw passion is on full

Children's Health Innovation Child Safety Community Health Workforce

Look Before You Leap

The recent storms that dumped more than two months of rain in two days on our area caused heart-breaking, catastrophic flooding for many. Now, as water and fear recede, some Vermonters and northern New Yorkers are trying to salvage what they can of traditional summer fun. While we’re all ready for a

Injury Prevention Safety Tips Water Safety Child Safety Environmental Health

Hot Hunger Hacks

When time away begins with a pre-dawn, pre-airport stop at the gas station buffet, or a humid evening tempts us to reach for a takeout menu rather than turn on the oven, we may give up on healthy eating during the summer. “Summer eating,” says Kate Bean, a registered dietitian at The University of

Food and Nutrition Heat Safety Recipes Diet

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