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From Wheelchair to Walking

Hazel Winter, 82, lives for her dog, Gracie. But as she aged, she found most other daily activities increasingly difficult. Plagued by fibromyalgia – a disorder characterized by pain, fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues – she found herself frequently in pain and experiencing debilitating

Heart Health Innovation

Is Alcohol the New Smoking?

Last month, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a stark warning: Alcohol consumption increases your risk of cancer. This risk is not confined to heavy drinkers. While most cancer deaths are linked to drinking levels that exceed U.S. Dietary Guidelines, even moderate consumption—such as one drink a day

Cancer Alcohol Use Disorder Breast Cancer Colorectal Cancer

Date Night at Home

Can cooking bring couples closer? Melissa Kelly, a registered dietitian with  University of Vermont Medical Center  Nutrition Services, believes it can. “Food isn’t just fuel. Food is a celebration. It’s an art,” she says. “It brings people together.” 7 Healthy Cooking Tips for Homemade Meals Kelly

Food and Nutrition Recipes

Heads Up On the Slopes This Winter

Winter enthusiasts in the North Country live for days outside, but the inherent risks shouldn’t be overlooked. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a significant concern for skiers and snowboarders, accounting for up to 47% of injuries, with concussions comprising 70 to 90% of these TBIs. Understanding

Injury Prevention Safety Tips

A Sweet Solution?

It sounds too good to be true: A recent study published in The British Medical Journal  finds that consuming small amounts of dark chocolate daily – about an ounce – may reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 21% Could it be that indulging in dark chocolate is not only harmless but

Food and Nutrition Diabetes

The Surprising Truth About Winter Sun

Sending your kids outside to play in the snow? Many parents run down a typical checklist: Coat, boots, hat and gloves. But what about sunscreen? “People receive 25% of their cumulative outdoor UV exposure before the age of 20,” says Keith Morley, MD , a pediatric dermatologist with the UVM Health

Wellness Skin Cancer

Are Supplements Safe? An Integrative Oncology Expert Weighs In. 

Turkey tail, green tea, magnesium – these are just a few of the supplements that factor into conversations around adjuvant therapies for cancer. Data around supplements is, generally, limited, yet patients want to know: which ones are safe, which are effective, and how should they be taken? “There’s


Value in Variety

When it comes to filling your plate with plants, there is value in variety. New research highlights the importance of not just eating your fruits and veggies, but making sure you mix it up, too. How many plants a week should you be aiming for? According to Shahid Ahmed, MBBS, an assistant professor

Food and Nutrition Recipes

Strengthening Emergency Medicine for Rural Communities

Somewhere in rural America, a little girl falls on the school playground and breaks her arm. Her parents leave work to drive her to a small emergency department (ED) several towns away. The ED staff do what they can but admit they do not have the specialist expertise to set and mend her broken arm –

Chronic Conditions Digital Health Workforce

'We Don’t Want People to Have to Jump Through Any Hoops'

Growing up in Vermont, Christina Reiss’s mother visited a crisis center when her mental illness grew too severe to manage at home. In between appointments with her psychiatrist, who staffed the center located at the former Adams School in Burlington, she had a peaceful place to go where she could

Mental Health Suicide Prevention Depression Postpartum Depression

Crave Comfort?

'Tis the season for colder temperatures, shorter days and comfort food cravings.  Smelling, seeing and tasting these delights – often foods we ate when we were young – can bring up warm and nostalgic feelings. Research shows that with the first bite of foods we regard as comfort foods, our brain

Food and Nutrition Recipes

7 Myths About Suicide

Suicide: It’s a difficult topic to discuss, but it’s essential for reducing stigma and encouraging people to seek help. According to Andy Rosenfeld, MD , a child and adolescent psychiatrist at the Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families (VCCYF) at UVM Health Network, asking direct

Mental Health Suicide Prevention Depression Postpartum Depression

6 Things You Need to Know About Liver Disease

Liver disease affects an estimated 100 million Americans and is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. In its advanced stages, liver disease can lead to cirrhosis (severe liver scarring), liver failure and liver cancer . Despite its increasing prevalence, liver disease and its

Food and Nutrition Safety Tips Alcohol Use Disorder

3 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

With fall just around the corner, apples are often top of mind: bags of apples, apple cider, apple crisp. But a different apple product can benefit your health in unexpected ways. Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apples, and, as with all things fermented, you may see health claims online

Food and Nutrition Recipes

Knowledge is Power

In 2019, Alison Hertle received some frightening news: She has a genetic variant that increases the chances she’ll develop breast or gastrointestinal cancer. Hertle had always worried about her risk. Her mother and sister both died from breast cancer, and two brothers and her father also lost their

Cancer Breast Cancer Innovation

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