Showing Stories tagged with: Opioids
Displaying 1 - 15 of 20 search results
July 6, 2023
Solving Chronic Pain
The Comprehensive Pain Program is helping patients like John Killacky solve decades of debilitating chronic pain.
September 16, 2022
Moving the Health Care Needle
It’s called integrative health, and it’s a promising way to deliver care with complementary therapies.
January 10, 2022
Forgotten At Our Own Peril: The Opioid Crisis
Public attention shifted to COVID-19, but the opioid epidemic is ongoing.
July 30, 2020
‘We’re Not Wired to be Isolated’
When the state prohibited large group gatherings, agencies and organizations that assist people in recovery from substance use disorder across Vermont pivoted to provide their services remotely. Learn how organizations maintained connections and continued to support people in recovery during these difficult times.
May 6, 2020
Preserving Access to MAT During a Pandemic
Prescribing regulations for buprenorphine have been relaxed to keep recovery on track during Vermont’s state of emergency and stay-at-home order. Learn how providers are connecting with patients through video visits and phone calls.
March 31, 2020
Vermont Recovery Services Are Now a Single Call Away
Vermont Department of Health launches VTHelplink Referral Resource to help people with substance use disorder access services during the COVID-19 crisis. Learn about VTHelpLink services.
March 4, 2020
Expanding Education in Addiction Medicine
Grant supports creation of new curriculum for future physicians at Larner College of Medicine In 2013, the pioneering efforts of John Brooklyn, MD, UVM clinical associate professor of family medicine, catapulted Vermont into the spotlight as a national leader in the treatment of opioid use disorder with the state’s launch of the “hub and spoke” model.
February 5, 2020
Caring for the Caregivers
How Greg Freeman and the Occupational Health & Wellness team at Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH) help employees with substance use disorder who seek treatment build a plan for recovery and see it through. CVPH Helps Workers Overcome Substance Use Disorder Greg Freeman understands too well what a difference compassion makes for people with substance
January 20, 2020
Too Much, Too Soon? Doctors, Researchers Warn Against Rapid Opioid Tapering
Jon Porter, MD, understands the complexity of the opioid-prescribing debate all too well. Dr. Porter is medical director of University of Vermont Medical Center’s Comprehensive Pain Program, which includes alternative therapies to manage chronic pain. But he’s also a prescriber for dozens of long-term patients who continue to receive elevated doses of opioids. The welfare
November 29, 2019
Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative Catches On
Unused medication collections expand amid addiction and environmental concerns. Imagine tossing a bottle of leftover medication into the empty bed of a heavy-duty pickup truck. Now, imagine a mountain of blister packs, pill bottles and boxes piling up to the point where it weighs more than the truck itself. That’s what has accumulated in less
November 19, 2019
“By far the best period of my practice life has been in this work. And that’s not because it’s been easy or cheerful or un-challenging. On the contrary, it’s been quite challenging. “
During a stint treating inmates at Marble Valley Regional Correctional Facility in Rutland, Dr. Porter found it satisfying to help those who struggled with addiction. Read more about his medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for patients with opioid use disorder.
November 13, 2019
Addiction Recovery Channel Tunes in to Help and Hope
Stigma creates the biggest barrier to recovery, Ed Baker says, and banishing it is the key to helping people beat back the brain disease of addiction that has consumed too many.
November 9, 2019
Hiring Individuals in Recovery
Aspenti is working to #StoptheStigma and you can too. Learn about the benefits to hiring individuals in recovery.
October 15, 2019
Most primary care physicians don’t provide treatment for substance use disorder, but that is changing in Vermont
It was 2013, and a young man with opioid use disorder was invited to a meeting of senior leaders from the UVM Medical Center, government agencies and community organizations to share his story about the impact of a lack of treatment capacity in Chittenden County. He represented the hundreds of people on waiting lists at
September 26, 2019
Free Naloxone Kits Dispensed in Emergency Department – No Questions Asked
The emergency departments of Elizabethtown Community Hospital and its Ticonderoga campus recently began providing free naloxone kits, with the drug used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose, to anyone who wants them – no questions asked. David Clauss, MD, medical director of both emergency departments, appreciates more than the kits’ potential to save