Showing Stories tagged with: Head Injury
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 search results
October 14, 2022
Should I Go To the Emergency Department?
When you’re not feeling well, sometimes it’s difficult to decide where you should go to seek care. The Emergency Department? Urgent Care? Your primary care provider? There are a lot of options, so here’s our advice.
June 15, 2020
ATV Injury Cases Triple at UVM Medical Center Prompting Safety Warning
All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) are a popular recreational activity and they can be a useful tool for those who own large areas of land or farms, however the UVM Medical Center reports a threefold increase in ATV-related injuries in the Emergency Department this season.
June 12, 2020
Bouncing and Playing in the Backyard, Safely
Trampolines and bounce houses are fun and present a great way for kids to expend all that extra energy, but they come with risks. Learn basic ground rules to follow to reduce the risk of serious injury.
February 7, 2020
Feet First and Down We Go: Tips for Safe Sledding
When most people think of sledding, they think of these hills covered in children bundled up in snow suits pulling sleds and tubes up the hill only to slide down it again. People also assume most injuries in sledding are minor and only impact children. But that’s not the case! No matter your age, there
December 19, 2019
Top 5 Tips to Prevent Winter Injuries
Winter is a beautiful season, but it can also be frightful and full of injury risks. Here are our top 5 hints for keeping you and your loved ones safe so you can enjoy the delights of winter weather without visiting us! The weather outside is frightful Regular ice, black ice, compacted snow, all of
September 30, 2019
Traumatic Brain Injury: What You Need to Know
When you think of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), most people think of sports injuries or motor vehicle crashes. And it’s not surprising. TBIs, including concussions, are often covered in the media in relation to football players or student athletes. As a Level 1 Trauma Center, we see traumatic brain injuries in a very different light.
April 18, 2019
How Well Do You Know Helmets?
Everyone knows it’s important to wear a helmet to protect your head. Helmets can reduce your risk from a serious brain or head injury. The catch? Helmets only work if they are used the right way. It’s important to always use a helmet specifically designed for your activity. Each sport or activity has a helmet
January 22, 2019
The Injury That Affects 3.8 Million Athletes Annually
Are you ready for a fun-filled and safe winter season!? The UVM Medical Center’s Rehab Therapy Center wants to ensure you know everything you need to in order to stay healthy. Concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a hot topic today — and for good reason. Sports-related concussions impact about 3.8 million athletes each