Showing Stories tagged with: Fitness

Displaying 1 - 15 of 18 search results

Ride Like the Wind

Curious about mountain biking? Our expert, an avid rider, offers advice for beginners.

Wellness Safety Tips Fitness

How Exercise Helps Me Manage My Pain

One patient’s experience with cancer and the Steps to Wellness program.

Cancer Fitness Skin Cancer

5 Benefits of Walking Outdoors

Plus, healthy snacks for your daypack.

Food and Nutrition Recipes Fitness

At the Heart of the Matter

Cardiac rehabilitation exercises help Keene Valley resident on road to recovery.

Heart Health Heart Attack Fitness Patient Stories

The Widow-Maker Scare

Hidden risk factors, and how a routine stress test saved a life.

Heart Health Heart Attack Fitness Patient Stories

Say “No” to Resolutions

Instead, try these quick mini-fixes to boost your health this year.

Wellness Cybersecurity Fitness Diet Safety Tips

What Is the Point of Yoga?

Sidelined by a foot injury, I began a low-impact yoga challenge with one question in mind: Is yoga a good cardiovascular workout?

Wellness Injury Prevention Back Pain Fitness Sports Injury Stress

‘Back to My Best’

Struck by a rare type of heart attack, this 44-year-old woman is back running thanks to proactive clinical and cardiac rehab care.

Heart Health Women’s Health Heart Attack Fitness Patient Stories

10 Minutes is Better Than No Minutes

Dylan Daniels, EP, CCEP, has heard all the reasons why people can’t exercise, and he has a solution for each. Getting a little exercise each day can significantly improve physical and mental health.

Wellness Fitness

Walking Is Enough

Walking is one of the easiest ways to get the exercise you need to stay healthy. Learn how, one step at a time, you can gain the physical benefits of regular movement.

Wellness Aging Well Fitness

The Pandemic’s Heart-Breaking Side Effect: Sitting, Sitting, Sitting

Medical experts are concerned that the nearly year-long pandemic has led to a decrease in physical activity and increase in heart health risks. UVM Medical Center Cardiologist Sherrie Khadanga, MD, offers advice for stepping up activity at home, and ultimately, improving the health of your heart.

Wellness Aging Well COVID-19 Heart Health Fitness

Getting Back to Exercising After Time Off

Warm weather and the long days of summer are behind us and you realize you didn’t quite get back into that exercise routine as you planned. First, know that you are not alone and that any time is a good time to get into a fitness routine. Keep a few key recommendations in mind and

Wellness Injury Prevention Fitness

How to Train for Fall Hikes

As summer turns to fall, temperatures begin to drop and the leaves start to change colors. Both enhance the enjoyment and beauty of taking a hike. For many of us, fall foliage is a motivator to be more physically active, and for some it may be the first time all year that you get out

Wellness Fitness

Recovering From a Tough Workout

Tough workouts are often associated with soreness the next day and, in some cases, for several days to follow. Pain or discomfort may not be the only impact. You might find that your motivation can take a bit of a beating as well. This doesn’t have to be the case. With some planning, you can

Wellness Fitness

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