Showing Stories tagged with: Colds

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 search results

What You Need to Know About This Year’s Vaccines

Questions for our infectious disease expert about flu, COVID-19 and RSV.

COVID-19 Vaccines Flu Colds RSV

Is Pink a Holiday Color?

Our ophthalmologist’s list of 6 things to know about pink eye.

Wellness Colds Allergies

Cold or Allergies?

It can be tough to tell sometimes. But relief is here, and it doesn’t include antibiotics.

Wellness Allergies Colds

How Bad is My Cough?

How to tell the difference between a common cold and something more serious.

COVID-19 Flu Colds RSV

Healthy Holiday Travel

Pro tips on how to avoid germs and sickness

Wellness COVID-19 Colds Flu Safety Tips Parenting

It’s Sick Season Again, Now What?

12 questions answered by our infectious disease experts.

COVID-19 Wellness Colds Flu Vaccines

What You Need to Know About RSV, Flu and COVID Right Now

Viral infections are leading to an uptick in hospitalizations. Experts share tips to keep yourself well.

COVID-19 Wellness Babies Colds Flu Parenting Pregnancy Teenagers Vaccines

Top 3 Tips to Avoid the Flu

Health care workers are on the frontlines of flu every day. Here’s how they stay healthy.

Wellness Flu Colds Parenting Teenagers

Home Remedies for Flu

Try some of these home remedies next time you’re feeling ill.

Wellness Colds Flu Parenting Teenagers Child Care

You’re Sick, Too?

An expert weighs in on why it feels like everyone is sick right now.

Children's Health COVID-19 Wellness Colds Community Health Flu Parenting

Antibiotics Are Not Effective Against the Common Cold

Parents cannot resist asking me if their child would benefit from an antibiotic when they are sick. So let me prescribe some advice about why we do and do not like to use antibiotics. Just over 40% of outpatient prescriptions are for antibiotics and yet half of these turn out to be unnecessary. Why? Antibiotics

Children's Health Colds First With Kids

Legends and Tall Tales About the Common Cold

We celebrate George Washington’s birthday this month, during a long cold and flu season. Much like President Washington, I cannot tell any lies – about these winter illnesses. Instead, I want to speak the truth about some rumors regarding the common cold. For example, parents ask me if you can catch a cold by being

Children's Health Colds First With Kids

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