Showing Stories tagged with: Burns
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 search results
October 14, 2022
Should I Go To the Emergency Department?
When you’re not feeling well, sometimes it’s difficult to decide where you should go to seek care. The Emergency Department? Urgent Care? Your primary care provider? There are a lot of options, so here’s our advice.
September 29, 2022
No Admission: Preventing Hospital Stays Before They Happen
UVM Medical Center is piloting an innovative unit in the emergency room to provide better care, sometimes at home.
July 2, 2021
Ring of Safety: Top 9 Fire Pit Safety Tips
Every summer the Emergency Department admits patients with serious or life-threatening burns from outdoor fires. Here’s expert guidance to kick off your campfire season safely.
December 5, 2019
How to Prevent Burns During the Holidays
When you think of holiday burn prevention, a lot of it focuses on making sure candles aren’t left unsupervised and placed far away from flammable holiday decorations (looking at your poorly watered Christmas trees and fake autumn leaf displays). Today, I want to talk to you about preventing burns and scald burns in the kitchen
June 26, 2019
Picnic and Barbecue Safety
With summer here, Lewis First, MD is getting grilled by families about safety precautions they should be taking when they barbecue outside. He offers these tips for keeping reducing backyard injuries.