Showing Stories tagged with: Babies
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 search results
September 27, 2023
‘Small, But Mighty’
How UVM Children’s Hospital helped save the life of an infant with brain cancer.
November 4, 2022
What You Need to Know About RSV, Flu and COVID Right Now
Viral infections are leading to an uptick in hospitalizations. Experts share tips to keep yourself well.
August 26, 2022
‘The Best Combination of Care’
New technology delivers the expertise of neonatal experts to rural patients in Vermont and northern New York.
July 26, 2022
Care at Home Helps Children Thrive
Meet Henry. He’s two years old and his neurological condition is one in a million. Home health care is helping him beat the odds.
July 15, 2022
COVID-19 Vaccination: Is it Really Safe for My Kids?
Experts from UVM Children’s Hospital answer parent and caregiver questions about the COVID-19 vaccine for kids.
December 21, 2021
Top 5 Pregnancy Myths, Busted
Three experts within the University of Vermont Health Network offer advice on common pregnancy myths — from needing to eat for two, to exercise and more. Our UVM Medical Center chef also offers three recipes with pregnancy-boosting nutrients.
August 7, 2020
Miracle Micro-Preemie Triplets Overcome the Odds
After four long months in the NICU, the DeShane family and their miracle care team got these triplets home to meet their siblings. Read the remarkable story of births that spanned days, months, years and decades.
January 3, 2020
‘Big Tiny Love’ Album Raises Funds for NICU Renovation
Elodie's parents remember their time in the NICU with gratitude for the excellent care they received. “It’s not a place you’d want to end up, but it was also a beautiful experience. Watching all of these vulnerable parents and infants made me want to do something to help.”
December 13, 2019
Charlotte’s Story: Patient- and Family-Centered Care
On my son's fifth day of life, after returning home we had a morning filled with snoozing and nursing and diaper changing and more nursing, until our lives changed forever. Read Charlotte's story.
September 19, 2019
The Children’s Hospital Without Walls
September 13, 2019
Saving Babies’ Lives in the Hospital and the Statehouse
As a physician in the pediatric intensive care unit at University of Vermont Children’s Hospital, Rebecca Bell, MD, has seen too many babies whose lives were put at risk by an unsafe sleep environment.
July 10, 2019
Taking a New Baby Out in Public
Parents of new infants often worry about when is the right time to take their newborn baby out into public places. Lewis First, MD goes public on this one and provides some information on the topic.