Our Metabolic Bone Clinic Has Moved!

We have some good news to share – the Metabolic Bone Program has moved! To improve appointment access, reduce wait times and increase free patient parking, we recently moved our offices and our bone density machine from the Rheumatology office inside the University of Vermont Medical Center to 62 Tilley Drive, Suite 202 in South Burlington.
To better serve you and align your care, our office is now located within the Endocrinology practice. Our hours remain the same. We are open Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. You can find us in Suite 202 by either taking the stairs or the elevator to the second floor. You may call us at 802-847-4576.
Our new location should allow for easier patient parking and the ability to see a physician in a more timely fashion. The bone density machine will also be moved to this location. This machine performs tests to help determine a person’s fracture risk. We plan to be able to have more densities performed there on a daily basis and this should also cut back on patient wait times.
Osteoporosis is, unfortunately, a very common and often overlooked disorder. More than 2 million fractures occur in the United States each year related to osteoporosis.
Fracture risk increases with age. One out of every two women over age 50 will have a fracture occur in their lifetime. Men are also at risk for bone loss and fractures. Approximately 25% of hip fractures occur in men and they tend not to do as well afterwards compared to women.
Our goal is to identify people at risk for fracture before a fracture happens so they can be treated appropriately. Please be careful to prevent falls, particularly during the winter months but also indoors as well. If you or a family member are concerned that you could be at risk for bone loss or fractures, please discuss this with your health care provider.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2020.